Inleidend / Introductory
Broederstroom Aftree-oord, nou Eden Tehuis, het sy ontstaan in die laat 1999-2000 gehad toe 'n van Niekerk egpaar, op n dag 'n bejaarde vrou langs die pad opgelaai het met die doel om haar 'n geleentheid na die plaaslike supermark aan te bied. Sy was egter n hawelose persoon met geen vaste adres nie. Die egpaar het haar toe na hulle huis geneem met die doel om haar vir 'n paar dae te versorg.
Hierdie optrede van die egpaar het gou rugbaar geword en kort voor lank het nog bejaardes by hulle kom aanklop vir verblyf en versorging. Daar was 'n lee huis op die plot waar hulle gewoon het en die is toe ingerig om nog bejaardes in te neem en teen nominale fooi te versorg. Die getal persone het sodanig toegeneem dat die van Niekerk's genoodsaak was om personeel aan te stel om met die versorging van die bejaardes te help.
Met die toename van die inwonerstal en die feit dat die perseel bloot net nie meer aan die uitdagings kon voldoen nie, het Casper Snyman, wat in 2004 die bestuur van die tehuis oorgeneem het, besluit om in 2011 na 'n nuwe perseel naby Brits te skuif omdat die kompleks meer geskik was vir die uitbreiding en en verbetering van die dienste en aktiwiteite. In dieselfde jaar is die tehuis se naam ook verander na Eden Tehuis.
Eden Tehuis is a non-profit institution for the care of mainly elderly but younger ones who also suffer from Alzheimer's or Dimension. The facility is situated just outside Brits in the North West Province, in a tranquil rural area where the air is still clean and fresh and the residents can still roam freely without getting lost.
Broederstroom Retirement Village, now Eden Tehuis, had its inception in the late 1999-2000s when a van Niekerk couple, one day picked up an elderly woman by the roadside with the intention of offering her an opportunity with a local supermarket. However, she was a homeless person with no fixed address. The couple then took her to their home with the intention of taking care of her for several days.
These actions of the couple soon became back - to - back, and soon the elderly came to them for lodging and care. There was a vacant house on the plot where they lived and they then set up to take in more elderly people and care for them for minimal fee. The number of persons increased to such a point that the van Niekerk's were forced to appoint staff to assist with the care of the elderly.
With the increase of the population and the fact that the premises simply could no longer meet the challenges, Casper Snyman decided to move to a new premises near Brits in 2011 because the complex was more suitable for expanding and improving the services and activities. In the same year, the home's name was also changed to Eden Home.